Exploring Musical Intervals


March 26, 2024, 7:01 a.m.

Exploring Musical Intervals


Musical intervals are the foundation of music theory, connecting the relationship between pitches. This article explores intervals, their classification, examples, and their significance in creating scales, chords, and melodies. Each interval is illustrated with ascending and descending examples in musical notation.


Music, Intervals, Music Theory, Scales, Harmony, Chords


Intervals are the distance between two pitches measured in semitones. They are classified by their size (distance) and quality (character). Intervals are fundamental for understanding scales, chords, and harmonic progressions, essential for any musician.

Definition and Classification:

Intervals are classified as simple (within an octave) or compound (spanning more than an octave). Their quality defines their sound, such as major, minor, perfect, diminished, or augmented. For example, a major 9th is equivalent to a major 2nd plus an octave.

Semitone Count for Common Intervals:

Interval Name Semitones Example
1 Unison 0 C-C
2b Minor 2nd 1 C-D♭
2 Major 2nd 2 C-D
3b Minor 3rd 3 C-E♭
3 Major 3rd 4 C-E
4 Perfect 4th 5 C-F
4# Augmented 4th 6 C-F#
5b Diminished 5th 6 C-G♭
5 Perfect 5th 7 C-G
6b Minor 6th 8 C-A♭
6 Major 6th 9 C-A
7b Minor 7th 10 C-B♭
7 Major 7th 11 C-B
8 Octave 12 C-C
9 Major 9th 14 C-D
11 Perfect 11th 17 C-F
13 Major 13th 21 C-A

Examples of Intervals:

The following sections provide ABCMUSIC notation for each interval, illustrating ascending and descending patterns. Each interval example is presented on its own pentagram for clarity.

Unison (1)

X:1 T:Unison C-C M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C |

Minor 2nd 2b

X:2 T:Minor 2nd Ascending and Descending C-Db M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C D, C |

Major 2nd 2

X:3 T:Major 2nd Ascending and Descending C-D M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C D C |

Minor 3rd 3b

X:4 T:Minor 3rd Ascending and Descending C-Eb M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C E, C |

Major 3rd 3

X:5 T:Major 3rd Ascending and Descending C-E M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C E C |

Perfect 4th 4

X:6 T:Perfect 4th Ascending and Descending C-F M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C F C |

Augmented 4th / Diminished 5th 4# / 5b

X:7 T:Tritone Ascending and Descending C-F# M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C F# C |

Perfect 5th 5

X:8 T:Perfect 5th Ascending and Descending C-G M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C G C |

Minor 6th 6b

X:9 T:Minor 6th Ascending and Descending C-Ab M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C A, C |

Major 6th 6

X:10 T:Major 6th Ascending and Descending C-A M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C A C |

Minor 7th 7b

X:11 T:Minor 7th Ascending and Descending C-Bb M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C B, C |

Major 7th 7

X:12 T:Major 7th Ascending and Descending C-B M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C B C |

Octave 8

X:13 T:Octave Ascending and Descending C-C' M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C c C | X:1 T:Chord Progression in American Notation (C Major) M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | "C major chord" C E G | "F major chord" F A C | "G major chord" G B D |

Octave 8

X:13 T:Octave Ascending and Descending C-C' M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | C c C | X:1 T:Chord Progression in American Notation (C Major) M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C | "C major chord" C E G | "F major chord" F A C | "G major chord" G B D |


Understanding intervals is key to mastering music theory, composition, and performance. From simple intervals to compound ones, they form the backbone of musical structure, offering infinite possibilities for creativity and expression.

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